Parenting in the Digital Age: How to Set Healthy Screen Time Limits

In our digital era of parenting there exist distinct difficulties that call for attentive control over digital screen use. Defining sensible boundaries is vital for encouraging a harmonious lifestyle. First set out specific parameters influenced by age and child development. The American Academy of Pediatrics advises that high-quality programming should not exceed one hour a day for children under age six. Join in to watch and talk about what you see together.

Designate times where technology is not allowed like during family dinners or before hitting the sack to support in-person dialogues and promote better sleeping habits. Show them your good screen habits; often children copy their parent’s actions. Emphasize outdoor activities and keep active habits to complete your child’s development.

Apply settings or applications to oversee and manage device application time. To enhance your children’s interaction with screens and enjoy digital benefits speak openly about the impact of technology.

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